Our project to provide emergency financial crisis intervention for Loudoun County military veterans was awarded funding from the AWS Northern Virginia Community Fund, supported by Amazon! We can’t wait to get started and assist our veterans in their time of need. Thanks to ChangeX too! #AWSInCommunities

Loudoun County recently granted $3,150 from the American Recovery and Preparedness Act to American Legion Post 2001.

On February 17th, 2009, the President signed The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or Recovery Act, into law. This Act is an unprecedented effort to jumpstart our economy, save and create millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so that our country can thrive in the 21st century.

The President selected Vice President Joe Biden to oversee the Administration’s implementation of the Recovery Act’s provisions – a choice that signifies the importance of this critical task for our country’s future. Vice President Biden works closely with cabinet members, our nation’s governors, and our mayors to ensure these efforts are not just swift, but efficient and effective.

At the signing of the bill, President Obama candidly explained that the road ahead would not be easy – economic recovery requires work and dedication from us all:

None of this will be easy. The road to recovery will not be straight. We will make progress and there may be some slippage along the way. It will demand courage and discipline. It will demand a new sense of responsibility that’s been missing from Wall Street all the way to Washington. There will be hazards and reverses. But I have every confidence that if we are willing to continue doing the critical work that must be done — by each of us, by all of us — then we will leave this struggling economy behind us, and come out on the other side, more prosperous as a people.

From whitehouse.gov

The Leesburg Daybreak Rotary Club has approved a grant of $1,500 to American Legion Post 2001. Thank you for the grant, which will be utilized to continue support within our Loudoun County Veteran community. Please visit our ‘Fund Allotment’ page to review how grants contribute to our core philanthropy.

See the source image

In CY2020, the Post 2001 Charitable Foundation, working with Tom Grant, Loudoun County Veterans Services Coordinator (LCVSC) a Loudoun County employee, supported 3 Veterans and their families (to include 8 total adults and children), impacted by COVID-19. This support provided $7,800 directly to providers to pay overdue rent or late mortgage payments, overdue utility bills and overdue loan or car payments; keeping these Veterans and their families out of financial crisis and dire distress. This financial support was possible because of CARES Act funding received from the  Town of Leesburg, VA. That need is expected to increase in 2021 when the eviction and utility cut off moratoriums are lifted.

For more information about charitable foundation initiatives please email info@post2001cf.org

If you are interested in joining or donating to American Legion Post 2001, then please visit our website : Join Us | Leonard W. Kidd Memorial (ashburnlegion.org) or email adjutant@ashburnlegion.org.

The Leonard W Kidd Memorial Post 2001 Charitable Foundation was created as a compliment to the Leonard W Kidd Memorial American Legion Post 2001. The charitable foundation is a 501c(3) public charity.

Our post has no building expenses, with 99% of all contributions directed to our community support areas:

  • Active duty military families, military veterans, reservists, National Guard and their family members.
  • Mentoring our youth.
  • Educating and encouraging Americanism and Patriotism.
  • Charitable organizations that support our community.